Attaching a featured image to a report – VNN SportsHub Help App

Attaching a featured image to a report

November 2022


When creating pressbox posts, you have the option to set a featured image, i.e. a photo that will be used as the thumbnail for the post when it is sent out to your athletic site and social media. If you do not want to set a featured image, your school logo will automatically be used. 

Step 1: Open an event recap that you want to add a featured photo for, fill out the event information, and then scroll down to the game recap box.

Step 2: Find the photo icon (it’s beneath the Game Recap area), and click it.

Step 3: Find the image you’d like to use as the featured image for the recap on your computer and select it.

 Step 4: Notice the name of the image beneath the game recap field. This tells us that the image is attached to the post we’re creating.

 Step 5: Make sure you have the score and recap filled in – then click ‘Save edits’ and then ‘Post and Share.’

 Step 6: Success! The post with a featured image is complete. 

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