Where will my community find the links to donate? – VNN SportsHub Help App

Where will my community find the links to donate?

March 2023


With this feature, our goal is to help you raise more money than you ever have, without a lot of work.

When your donation page is activated, initially your donations page will live on a subdomain of your website: donate.schoolurl.com (i.e. donate.salinehornets.com). Stay tuned for where donate links will live natively on your website, and if you have ideas for great places to put these links, email us at donations@rschooltoday.com. There are no bad ideas!

“Donate to our school/team” call-to-actions will also appear in fan-centric communication like notifications and articles. We will be adding more call-to-actions as we think of them.

In addition, when your donations page is activated, you will receive an email with the URL that you can promote wherever you please, including in your email signature, in parent newsletters, on your scoreboard, and across social media. Be sure to share the URL far and wide – who knows where it will end up, and wherever it does, creates more opportunity for you.

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