Save a Page as a Draft – VNN SportsHub Help App

Save a Page as a Draft

November 2022


If you would like to save your progress on a page, but aren’t ready to publish it, you can save it as a draft and return to it later.


Step 1: Hover over “+New” on your top bar, and click Page.

Step 2: Enter a title and however much page content you want to include for the time being.

Step 3: In the top-right section titled “Publish,” select Save Draft.



If you would like to save your progress on a page, but aren’t ready to publish it, you can save it as a draft and return to it later.

Step 1: Hover over “+New” on your top bar, and click Page.

Step 2: Enter a title and however much page content you want to include for the time being.

Step 3: In the top-right section titled “Publish,” select Save Draft.

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