How to Update and/or Delete an existing Document under your ‘More Tab’ – VNN SportsHub Help App

How to Update and/or Delete an existing Document

under your ‘More Tab’

November 2022


If you find that you need to update or delete a link under your ‘More’ tab that links to a PDF document complete the following steps! If you are looking for a tutorial on how to create a link for a PDF Document, click here!

A link that opens up a new tab to a pdf that can be downloaded + printed is called a Custom Link. The process for creating this is simple, you upload the pdf to your media library, copy the URL that is created for it, and paste it into the Menu you want it to sit under. Now here are the detailed instructions!

To learn how to delete a direct File link page, scroll to the bottom of this tutorial.


How to Update a Direct File link Page

Step 1: Login to your athletic website by using the ‘Admin Login‘ button, if you are already logged in, then just click where it reads Howdy (yourname) in the upper right hand corner.


Step 2: Now that you are on the backend of your site, hover over Media, and click Library, once you are viewing the library, click on the ‘Add New‘ button at the top of the page. Proceed to upload the PDF Document that you are wanting to replace the old/incorrect document with.


Step 3: Once the file has uploaded, click on it to expand the details. On the right hand side of the screen you will see a slot labeled ‘URL‘, copy the URL in that slot. Now you can exit out of the ‘Attachment Details‘ and move onto putting it under a menu.


Step 4: To get to menus from the media library, hover over “Appearances” on the left hand side and click on Menus.


Step 5: Now you need to find the Menu that the Original Page is under, notice where it says ‘Select a Menu to Edit’ click on the dropdown next to that text, and select the Menu from the drop down List that your old document is sitting under on your ‘More’ tab then click ‘Select’.

Note:  If you are trying to add this file to your teams ‘More‘ tab, then you would select that team from the drop-down Menu, i.e. Boys Varsity Football. Then hit the ‘Select‘ button.


Step 6: You should now see the Menu Structure, and under that, a list of all of the pages & links that rest under that Menu. Find the link you need to update in that list, and click on the small arrow to the right of it to expand your options.

Step 7: Erase the URL that is currently in the URL slot, and paste in the URL we copied earlier from step 4.

Step 8: Now you need to hit the blue ‘Save Menu‘ button on the far right hand side.

Your Document has now been updated & replaced!


How to Delete a Direct File Link Page from your Menu.

Step 1: Login to your dashboard at, Click on the green ‘Go to Site‘ button on the left hand side of the screen.

Step 2: To get to the sportshub side of your site, Click on the ‘Howdy (yourname) button‘ in the upper right hand corner.

Step 3: Now that you are on the backend of your site, hover over “Appearances” on the left hand side and click on Menus.


Step 4: Now you need to find the Menu that the Page you want to delete rests under, notice where it says ‘Select a Menu to Edit‘ click on the bar next to it and select the Menu from the drop down List. Then hit the ‘Select‘ button.


Step 5: You should now see a list of all of the pages that rest under that Menu. Find the Page you need to update in the list.

Step 6: To delete the page, click on the small arrow that sits on the right side of the page name, this will expand the page info, click the red ‘Remove page‘ button to delete the page.


Step 7: Make sure to hit the blue ‘Save Menu‘ button on the right hand side of the page to save the changes you made!

You page has now been deleted!

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