How do I change the address of where my donations check goes to? – VNN SportsHub Help App

How do I change the address of where my donations check goes to?

March 2023


When you activate your donations page, the default address for your check will correspond to the address rSchoolToday has on file for payments. If this is correct, great!

However, if you would like to change the address, and have the check sent to your booster club, district office, the care of your school treasurer, or somewhere else, we’re happy to help. If you are an authorized administrator, email us at, and we’ll connect you with our Accounting Team who will be able to update your school’s official record with our company for donations. If you are not, we’ll need to approve the address change with an administrator at your school, which we can do via email. Or, you can talk to the administrator yourself, who can email us directly at the email address above.

In the future, we will be adding the ability for approved managers to update addresses themselves through a Finance Manager feature. However, this addition to our Donations Engine has not launched yet – we will be updating this article when it does, and sending out communication to let you know when this is available, as well as information about which user roles will be able to update this information and how to set the correct permissions for them as an administrator.

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