How do I activate donations for my school? – VNN SportsHub Help App

How do I activate donations for my school?

March 2023


Activating donations for your school is simple and secure. It is all tied to the administrators you have on your school account with rSchoolToday. If you aren’t an administrator, that’s OK too – but activating donations will require an administrator to approve the activation.

To activate your donations as a school admin go to finance.{schoolurl}.com (i.e., and sign in with your credentials. Once you’re signed in, click “Activate your Page“. Congratulations! Your donations engine is now activated. Our system will also send confirmation emails to you, and any other administrators on your account with links to all the pertinent information you need to know, like your URL, links to this FAQ, and our terms.

Need help with the activation process? You can always email us directly at and let us know you’d like to activate your donations engine. We’ll confirm you’re an admin, and turn on the feature.

If you are not signed-in as an admin, or you are not an admin, our system will send an email to all administrator email addresses along with your information. In that email will be a link for them to confirm that the donations page should be activated for your school. When they click the confirmation button, our system will activate the donations page for your school!

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