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VNN SportsHub Help App
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All Docs
Activating & Deactivating your weekly auto-post
Activities that we currently offer
AD View
AD's Handbook
Add a Gallery to a Team’s page
Add a New Menu
Add Posts to your Teams home page
Add Roster Images for your Team
Adding a New Game/Event Location
Adding a Team
Adding a Team Photo to Team Home Page
Adding an Activity
Adding and Limiting Color Swatches on your BoxOut Graphics
Adding athletes to your Roster Individually
Adding Opponents to a Team in BoxOut
Adding Players (Roster) to a Team in BoxOut
Adding Team Contacts
Adding Team info to your Team Home Page
Adding Templates to Your Team in BoxOut
Adding to a Team's "More" Menu (Program Link)
Approving Coach Accounts
Attaching a featured image to a report
Can community members share my school’s or program’s donation page?
Can I activate donations for just my team, even if my school doesn’t have them activated?
Can I attach a file to a post? If so, how?
Can I change out my spiritwear links later?
Can I delete an Alert I sent?
Can I edit a Pressbox post that I've previously submitted?
Can I find out who is signed up as coaches for my school?
Can I pause the donations feature once it’s activated?
Can I see donation activity for a specific date range?
Can I see what programs have received the most donations?
Can I set my own rewards?
Can I share my school’s or team’s donation page on social media?
Can I stop receiving Alerts?
Can people other than coaches report scores?
Can we see who is receiving our Alerts?
Can you help me with my school’s branding and artwork?
Can you host my spirit shop on my SportsHub site so fans can shop from my official website?
Canceling a Game/Event
Coaches Handbook
Connecting Your Twitter and Facebook Accounts to BoxOut
Create a Photo Gallery
Creating a New Event Post
Creating a Recap Post
Creating Team Pages on BoxOut
Creative Post Ideas
Delete a Page
Delete a Photo Gallery
Delete a Post
Deleting a Game/Event
Do I need to provide users with receipts for their donations?
Do my donations expire?
Do rewards expire?
Edit an Image
Editing a Roster Entry
Editing a Team (Season, Level, or Gender)
Editing Sport Names
Editing Your Profile
Embed a Google Calendar
Embed a YouTube Video
Embedding a Tweet in a Post
Fall Season Schedules
Follow us on Social Media
Getting started as a VNN Coach
Have another question?
How are rewards chosen?
How are rewards fulfilled?
How are the rewards paid for?
How can I add another user to my site who is not going to be a coach or an AD ?
How can I add another user to my site who is not going to be a coach or an AD?
How can I add teams to my profile?
How can I get Pressbox as an app on my iPhone?
How can I see the donations I’ve received?
How can I see who has donated to my school or program?
How do I activate donations for my school?
How do I add users to manage donations for my school or program?
How do I bring my RMA rosters over to my VNN site?
How do I cash out my donations?
How do I change how my name displays?
How do I change the address of where my donations check goes to?
How do I get BoxOut Graphics?
How do I report invitational events?
How do I reset my password?
How do I sign up and invite a coach in Pressbox?
How do I verify my phone number?
How does my school earn money with SquadLocker?
How does your product support spiritwear providers?
How much customization can I have with my links?
How to add a Document to your More tab!
How to Add a Hyperlink to a Post
How to add a link to another site under your More tab
How to add a photo or file to a Page
How to Add a Post to the Slideshow
How to add a Schedule to an Activities page
How to add a video to a post or a page!
How to add Photos to a Gallery that has been published already
How to Add VNN to your Home page on your mobile device
How to approve contributor posts as a site admin
How to connect a Facebook page to your VNN site
How to connect a Twitter account to your VNN site
How to create a Page & add it to a Menu!
How to Create a Post
How to create a post as a contributer
How to create and Manage a Direct Link Menu
How to Customize + Edit Text in a Post
How to delete a coach from a team
How to Delete a Menu
How to Delete Pressbox Posts from your Athletic site?
How to do a 'Force Sync'
How to Embed a Poll on Your Website
How to Enter Scores for Non-meet sports in scheduler
How to Grant a Coach Posting access to your Athletic site
How to Hide the Gender for a team
How to Insert a Photo or File into a Post
How to manually share a post to your Facebook page
How to Manually share a post to your Twitter Feed
How to remove a page/custom link from a Menu
How to request to be a Coach
How to Set a Featured Image
How to Sync a Team schedule with your Calendar
How to Sync a Team Schedule with your Outlook Calendar
How to Update and/or Delete a link to another site under your 'More' Tab
How to Update and/or Delete a link to another site under your 'More' Tab
How to Update and/or Delete an existing Document under your 'More Tab'
How to upload a video to your Video Highlights section
I have an agreement with an apparel brand at my school, what are my options?
I would like to be the coach of more teams. What do I do?
If I don’t have a spiritwear shop for my programs, can you help me set one up?
If I have a local spiritwear partner, can I link them in?
Interested in signing up for an online training session?
Inviting Athletes to Receive Team Alerts
Inviting Coaches
Is there a way I can edit/delete alerts posted by coaches?
Is there a way to stop the reminder emails?
Is your donations platform PCI Compliant?
It's Fall, why aren't my winter and spring schedules showing on my site yet?
Manage your Teams Facebook & Twitter accounts
Manage your Teams Facebook and Twitter accounts
Managing Preferences (Email, SMS)
Managing Users and Permissions on Your BoxOut Account
Managing your Subscriptions
My Coaches are unable to make a post or create a photo gallery, can you help?
My football team has a store, but my school does not. How will this work?
My school can’t accept donations. How can I remove our school from the activation list?
My Site does not have a 'More' Tab, when will that be added?
My state association, conference, district has certain rules for accepting donations, can you help me navigate them?
My Teams page is missing a 'More' Tab, how can I add one?
Platform Training - Phase 1
Platform Training - Phase 2
Postponing a Game
Quick Add Game
Remove a Teams Twitter or Facebook Page
Remove a Teams Twitter or Facebook Page
Removing a Team from your site
Removing an Athlete from your Roster
Rescheduling a Game
Save a Gallery as a Draft
Save a Page as a Draft
Save a Post as a Draft
Sending an Alert
Sign Up To Receive Text / Email Alerts
SportsHub Training Sign Up
Stick a Post to the Top of Newsfeed
Subscribing to a Team
Switching Between Teams
Upload a Schedule via Schedule Star Excel
Upload Schedule Via Excel File
Uploading Photos & Logos to your BoxOut Team
Uploading Videos to your BoxOut Graphics
Uploading your Roster using an Excel File
Uploading your Rosters from RMA to your SportsHub site
What about other apparel at my school?
What are the benefits of using SquadLocker instead of another spiritwear provider?
What does the launch plan for this spiritwear feature look like on my Activity Scheduler Public View?
What does the launch plan for this spiritwear feature look like on SportsHub and Activity Registration?
What happens when a community member clicks into my donation page from Facebook or Twitter?
What if a non-admin tries to activate my school’s donations?
What is my username and password for Alerts?
What is the rewards program?
What is the the fee structure for using rSchoolToday’s Donations Engine for my school?
What users can cash out school and program donations?
When fans donate through the Donations Engine, what do I need to know as an administrator?
When I activate my school’s donations page, what am I agreeing to?
Where will my community find the links to donate?
Where will my community find the links to donate?
Who is considered an ‘admin’ to be able to turn on donations for my school?
Who is SquadLocker and how are they affiliated with rSchoolToday?
Winter Season Schedules
All Docs
Adding Rosters – VNN SportsHub Help App
VNN SportsHub Help App
Team Management
Adding Rosters
Adding Rosters
Uploading your Rosters from RMA to your SportsHub site
Add Roster Images for your Team
Adding athletes to your Roster Individually
Uploading your Roster using an Excel File