Uploading your Roster using an Excel File – VNN SportsHub Help App

Uploading your Roster using an Excel File

November 2022


Uploading a Roster using an Excel File

Step 1: Go to getvnn.com and login to your dashboard

Step 2: Click on Go to Teammate in the Team management box.

Step 3: Find and select the Team you are trying to add a Roster for. 

Step 4: Click Edit Roster

Step 5: At the top you are given two tab – Single Athlete & Import Excel File, click on the ‘Import Excel file’ Tab. 

Step 6: Download the Template File that is provided

Step 7: Leave your browser window open, and open up the Template on your computer then proceed to add your athletes information to it.

– While Full names, graduating year & Jersey numbers are the only fields required to be filled, we recommend filling in every field for complete team records. 

Step 8: Save your updated roster.

Step 9: Go back to Teammate and click Choose Excel File and find the file that you saved to your computer.

Step 10: Click Import Roster

For ease of use, feel free tofill out your roster on the google sheet here.

Be sure to export the google sheet to an excel file in order to upload your roster into Teammate.

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