How to Embed a Poll on Your Website – VNN SportsHub Help App

How to Embed a Poll on Your Website

November 2022


Polls are a great way to engage your community!  Whether you’re doing an “Athlete of the Week/Month” poll, Coach of the Year, or your own version of the ESPYS, polls have the potential to generate thousands of hits on your website – which can turn into a nice revenue source for your athletic department.

There are several websites that give you the ability to create and embed polls on your website and perhaps the most common one is

*Feel free to use other websites that create polls, just make sure they provide an embed option*

1. Create your post or page and save some space for where you want to insert (embed) your poll.

2. Go to (or another poll making website of your choosing) and list the options you would like to have your community vote on.

3. Click “Create Free Poll” 

Note: feel free to go to the “Themes” or “Settings” tab if you’d like to change the default settings.

zCq7XraSV9.gif4. On the “Share” tab, select the “Embed” option. Then, copy the code provided there. 

Note: Leave the “Type” as Compatible and the “Width” as 100% so that the poll will adjust well for mobile and desktop screens.


5. Go back to your post/page and be sure you’re in the “Text” tab — not the “Visual” one.

6. Paste in the code you just copied from poll maker in the text tab.  Click back on the “Visual” tab.


7. Click Publish! Your community will now be able to vote straight from your website!


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