How to create a post as a contributer – VNN SportsHub Help App

How to create a post as a contributor

November 2022


If you have been added to your site as a contributor, here is a tutorial explaining how to create a post and submit it for review!

Step 1: Pull up your athletic site and log in using the ‘admin login’ button in the upper right-hand corner. 

Step 2: Find where it says ‘Posts’ on the right-hand side of the page, hover over it and click ‘add new’.

Step 3: Create your post!

– The box at the top is for the Title of your post, you must title all posts that are created on your site. 

– The box below the title box is called the ‘content box’ and it holds the message you are trying to promote on your site. You can add text, embed videos or calendars, upload photos, and link to documents in this box! 

– On the right-hand side of the screen you have the option to feature your post, set a featured image to go with the post when it’s published, tag it to a specific team and save your post as a draft. 

Once you have completed creating your post, just hit the blue ‘submit for review’ button that sits in the publish widget. 


Now, your AD will be notified that there is content awaiting approval, once it is approved and published by your AD you will see it appear on your site.

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