Can I edit a Pressbox post that I’ve previously submitted? – VNN SportsHub Help App

Can I edit a Pressbox post that I’ve previously submitted?

November 2022


Login to your SportsHub dashboard at

Step 1:  Then process to go to pressbox by clicking on the ‘go to pressbox’ widget.

Step 2:  If you are an AD, click on ‘all teams’ and select the team whose post you are trying to edit, if you are an AD, toggle to the team whose post you want to edit by hovering over your profile icon and selecting the team.

Step 3: Click on ‘Past Posts

Step 4: Select ‘View Post‘ for the post you are trying to change, then proceed to make any necessary changes.

Step 5: After making your changes, hit the blue ‘Save edits‘ button, just hitting this button will update the scores in the pressbox post and on your teams schedule. If you want to re-post the pressbox recap, scroll down and hit the ‘Share and repost‘ button.

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