Adding a Team – VNN SportsHub Help App

Adding a Team

November 2022


Adding a new Team 

Step 1:Login to

Step 2:Click on Teammate

Step 3:Click the blue “Add team” button the right side of the screen.

Step 4: Choose the season your sport is in, this decides what menu it will sit under on your site (i.e. fall, winter, spring).

Step 5: Choose sport. Start typing the name of a sport and select from dropdown list (if what you are looking for is not listed, choose the closest sport to it and you can rename later! i.e crew / rowing)

Step 6: Choose gender (click “hide it” if you do not want to display gender, useful for teams that are generally one gender such as softball or football)

Step 7: Choose level. If the one you are looking for does not exist, choose the closest to it and then click “Not quite right“. This will allow you to add a custom level i.e Middle School to Junior High or Freshmen to Frosh/Soph

Step 8: Click Save

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